
Resumen de la Costa Central / Central Coast roundup


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Por/By El Latino-KEYT
[email protected]

Un hombre de Oxnard fue condenado a cadena perpetua sin derecho  libertad condicional por el asesinato en 2013 de una mujer de Santa Paula.

Andrés Rodríguez, de 32 años de Oxnard se declaró culpable el 12 de septiembre de los cargos de asesinato en primer grado con una cargo especial de secuestro, intento de asesinato premeditado y deliberado, y el uso de un arma en la ejecución de esos crímenes.

El 17 de julio de 2013, Rodríguez y su cómplice, Melissa Salazar, de 39 años de Santa Paula, secuestraron a una mujer a punta de pistola y la obligaron a divulgar la ubicación de un hombre y una mujer que robaron artículos de Rodríguez y Salazar ese mismo día.

La mujer llevó a los dos a una vivienda en Santa Paula, donde Rodríguez, armado con una pistola semiautomática y un chaleco antibalas, ingresó.

Rodríguez encontró a la pareja encerrada en un baño y realizó varios disparos contra la puerta del baño.

Rodríguez entró al baño y le disparó a la víctima en la cabeza, matándola, mientras la víctima masculina escapaba por la ventana.

Rodríguez y Salazar liberaron a la víctima del secuestro y luego huyeron a México.

Los dos fueron arrestados por detectives del Departamento de Policía de Santa Paula el 10 de septiembre de 2013, con la asistencia del Servicio de Alguaciles de los Estados Unidos.


La estación de la Guardia Nacional Aérea de las Channel Islands en Port Hueneme fue puesta en cuarentena preventiva, después de que se encontró una «sustancia blanca en polvo» en el cuarto de correos de la base.

Los Departamentos de Bomberos del Condado de Ventura y el de Oxnard respondieron para ayudar con el incidente de materiales peligrosos alrededor de las 2:30 p.m..

Los Bomberos de Ventura dicen que tres personas que trabajaban en la sala de correo principal fueron expuestas a la sustancia, por lo que fueron descontaminadas y transportadas al hospital local.

Los equipos de HAZMAT ingresaron a la sala de correo para recolectar una muestra de la sustancia para la prueba.

Alrededor de las 6:20 p.m. se determinó que el polvo blanco no era peligroso y la base se volvió a abrir.


El 2 de noviembre, alrededor de las 6:30 a.m. detectives del Departamento del Alguacil de Santa Bárbara (SBCSD), arrestaron a Jacinto Vásquez y Mercedes Martínez, ambos de Goleta.

La Oficina de Investigación Especial sirvió órdenes de cateo relacionadas con narcóticos en la cuadra 700 de Alondra Dr, Goleta y la 600 de Calle Ecuestre en el área no incorporada del condado de SB, donde encontraron al hombre de 38 años y a la mujer de 25 años.

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Antes de realizarse las órdenes de registro, los detectives detuvieron a los sospechosos luego de una parada de tráfico.

Vásquez, fue detenido mientras se alejaba de su residencia.

Los investigadores encontraron que Vázquez tenía $8,380 en efectivo en su poder, luego lo detuvieron para una investigación más a fondo y lo transportaron a la estación del Alguacil.

Durante la búsqueda de la residencia de Vázquez, los detectives encontraron más de una onza de metanfetamina empaquetada en varias bolsitas individuales para la venta y otros $7,010 adicionales en efectivo.

Mientras que Martínez fue detenida en un vehículo separado conduciendo hacia el sur la autopista 101, cerca de Goleta.

Los investigadores encontraron a Martínez en posesión de más de una onza de metanfetamina empaquetada en varias bolsitas individuales para la venta.

Martínez fue detenida y transportado a la estación del Alguacil también.

Durante la búsqueda de la residencia de Martínez, detectives encontraron $85,184 en efectivo escondidos dentro de la residencia.

Mientras buscaban en ambas residencias, muchas otras personas fueron detenidas, pero fueron liberadas cuando se determinó que estas no estaban involucradas en las ventas de narcóticos.

Después de completar la investigación, tanto Vázquez como Martínez fueron registrados en la cárcel del Condado de SB por conspiración y posesión de metanfetamina para su venta, y su fianza se fijó en $1,000,000.


Un estudiante de la Escuela Primaria Buena Vista en Vandenberg Village podría enfrentarse a serios castigos después de amenazar a los estudiantes de la escuela en un mensaje de texto a un amigo.

El jueves por la noche, el SBCSD recibió la noticia de que un estudiante de la Escuela Primaria Buena Vista mandó un mensaje de texto a un compañero amenazando que destruiría la escuela.

Después de identificar al estudiante, los oficiales fueron a la casa donde confirmaron que el joven no tenía acceso a armas de fuego.

Las autoridades determinaron que no había ninguna amenaza para la escuela u otros estudiantes.

Sin embargo, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lompoc aseguró que notificaron a los padres del menor alrededor del mediodía del viernes sobre los hechos.

«Siempre nos gusta considerar a nuestras familias, nuestros padres y nuestros socios. Queremos asegurarnos de que al menos sepan que es algo de lo que estamos conscientes y algo de lo que nos hemos ocupado, y creemos que sus hijos están a salvo «, indicó Brian Jaramillo, Director de Servicios de Apoyo Estudiantil para el Distrito.

El Distrito dice que con más de 10,000 estudiantes, los conflictos entre los estudiantes no son poco comunes, pero las amenazas rara vez llegan a la administración.

Cualquier disciplina que el estudiante enfrentará será manejada por el Distrito Escolar, y no por el Alguacil.


An Oxnard man was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the 2013 murder of a Santa Paula woman.

Andres Rodríguez, 32, of Oxnard pleaded guilty on September 12 to charges of first-degree murder with a special circumstance of kidnapping, premeditated and deliberate attempted murder, and use of a gun in the commission of those crimes.

On July 17, 2013, Rodríguez and his accomplice, Melissa Salazar, 39, of Santa Paula, kidnapped a woman at gunpoint and forced her to divulge the location of a man and woman who stole property from Rodriguez and Salazar earlier that day.

The woman took the two to a home in Santa Paula where Rodriguez, armed with a semi-automatic pistol and a ballistic vest, entered the home. Rodriguez found the couple barricaded in a bathroom and fired multiple shots into the bathroom door.

Rodriguez entered the bathroom and shot the female victim in the head, killing her, as the male victim escaped out a window.

Rodriguez and Salazar released the female kidnapping victim and then fled to Mexico.

The two were arrested by detectives from the Santa Paula Police Department on September 10, 2013, with the assistance of the United States Marshals Service.


Channel Islands Air National Guard Station in Port Hueneme was put on a lockdown after a «white powdery substance» was found in the base’s mailroom.

Ventura County Fire Department and Oxnard Fire Department responded to assist with the hazardous materials incident at around 2:30 p.m..

Representatives from Ventura County Fire say three individuals working in the main mail room were exposed to the substance.

The three people were decontaminated and transported to the hospital.

HAZMAT crews made entry into the mail room to collect a sample of the substance for testing.

At around 6:20 p.m. it was determined that the white powder was not dangerous and the base was reopened.


On November 2, at around 6:30 a.m., detectives from the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department, arrested Jacinto Vasquez and Mercedes Martinez, both from Goleta.

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Special Investigation Bureau served narcotic related search warrants in the 700 block of Alondra Dr, Goleta and the 600 block of Calle Ecuestre in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County where they found the 38 years old man and the 25 years old woman.

Prior to service of the search warrants, detectives conducted traffic stops on the primary suspects.

Vasquez, was stopped as he drove away from his residence. 

Investigators found Vazquez had $8,38 in cash on his person then he was detained for further investigation and transported to the Sheriff’s station.  During the search of Vazquez’s residence, detectives found over an ounce of methamphetamine packaged in several individual baggies for sale and an additional $7,010 in cash.

While Martinez was stopped in a separate vehicle driving southbound Highway 101 approaching Goleta. 

Investigators found Martinez in possession of over an ounce of methamphetamine packaged in several individual baggies for sale. 

Martinez was detained and transported to the Sheriff’s station as well.  During the search of Martinez’s residence, detectives found $85,184 in cash hidden within the residence.

While searching both residences, numerous other people were detained, but were released when it was determined those individuals were not involved in the narcotic sales. 

After completing the investigation, both Vazquez and Martinez were booked into the Santa Barbara County jail for conspiracy and possession of methamphetamine for sale, and their bail is set at $1,000,000.


A student at Buena Vista Elementary School in Vandenberg Village could be facing discipline after threatening students at the school in a text to a friend.

Thursday night the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office got word that a Buena Vista Elementary School student sent a text to a fellow student threatening violence on school property.

After identifying the students, deputies went to his home where they confirmed the young boy did not have access to any firearms.

Authorities determined there was no threat to the school or other students.

The Lompoc Unified School District says they notified parents at around noon Friday that there was a threat made against several students at the school.

«We always like to consider our families, our parents and our partners,» said Brian Jaramillo, Pupil Support Services Director for the district.

«We want to make sure that they at least know it’s something that we’re aware of and something that we’ve taken care of, and we feel that their children are safe.»

The district says that with more than 10,000 students, conflicts among students is not uncommon but the threats rarely make their way to the administration.

Any discipline the student will face will be handled by the School District, not the Sheriff’s office.


Police arrested kidnapping suspect, Paul Maldonado, 30, of Santa Maria after he led police on a chase through the city with a 3-year-old boy in his vehicle.

Officers first began tailing Maldonado at around 5:30 p.m. after he allegedly hit a pedestrian on the 800 block of West Las Flores Way.

Officers discovered that the suspect had stolen the vehicle and kidnapped the child and then ran over a family member while trying to escape.

As he fled, the suspect vehicle caused multiple minor traffic collisions. Officers began chasing the suspect and requested assistance from California Highway Patrol.

A Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office helicopter flew over head to track Maldanado.

Eventually his vehicle’s engine stopped and he was taken into custody on the 100 block of East Tunnell Street.

The 3-year-old boy was removed safely from the vehicle.

Authorities say Maldonado is not related to the boy, and officers operated with great fear that Maldonado may harm the child if he were to get away from police.

Maldonado was booked into the Santa Barbara County Jail and faces charges for domestic assault, kidnapping, child endangerment, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless evading, DUI, and driving without a license . ν


A Ventura man will spend six months in jail for his part in causing a 2014 explosion at Santa Clara Waste Water Company in Santa Paula.

Kenneth Douglas Griffin, Jr., 22, of Ventura will also be placed on probation for three years after he was sentenced in Ventura County District Court on Thursday.

Griffin was an on-site supervisor at Santa Clara Waste Water Company when the explosion happened. Multiple employees and first responders were injured by the explosion or from toxic gas at the facility.

Griffin was involved in moving chemicals from the facility to an off-site storage lot to avoid enforcement efforts by the Ventura County Environmental Health Division. Griffin also failed to warn employees of the presence of a hazardous material known as sodium chlorite. He also failed to provide sufficient warning regarding chemicals that were mislabeled or entirely unlabeled at the facility.

Griffin will begin his jail sentence on October 13. He will also be forced to pay victim restitution, the amount of which will be determined at a later date.

He is also prohibited from supervising over employees handling hazardous materials while on probation.