
Special counsel: Biden ‘willfully’ disclosed classified materials, but no criminal charges warranted

By [email protected] President Joe Biden “willfully” retained and disclosed highly classified materials when he was a private citizen, including documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan and other sensitive national security matters, according to […]


What’s next as Trump tries to stave off his 2020 election trial? All eyes are on the Supreme Court

By [email protected] In Donald Trump’s federal 2020 election interference case, all eyes are on the Supreme Court, whose next moves could determine whether the former president stands trial in Washington before the November election. An […]


Conclusiones del mordaz fallo contra la inmunidad de Trump que emitió un tribunal de apelaciones

Por [email protected] Un tribunal federal de apelaciones dijo este martes que Donald Trump no es inmune a la persecución por presuntos delitos que cometió durante su presidencia, rechazando categóricamente los argumentos de Trump de que […]


Milei sufre derrota política en Congreso y sus reformas económicas vuelven a tramitarse desde cero

Por [email protected] El ambicioso proyecto de reformas económicas del presidente argentino, Javier Milei, quedó en el limbo legislativo el martes, luego de que el oficialismo pidiera poner fin al debate en la Cámara de Diputados […]