By Agencies
[email protected]
On March 20,20223, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office shared information about the arrest of 37-year-old Carpinteria resident Luis Antonio Ibarra Delgadillo, aka Anthony Ibarra, for felony violations of California Penal Code Sections 288.7(a), 288.7(b), and 288(a).
These violations have to do with engaging in sexual acts with a child under the age of 10, dating back to 2015.
Through their investigation, detectives became aware that the release of the suspect’s booking photo would aid in their investigation and assist in identifying additional survivors of sexual assault by Ibarra Delgadillo.
The Sheriff’s Office would like to encourage anyone with knowledge of additional crimes associated with Ibarra Delgadillo, to please contact Detective Swank by phone at 805-681-4150. If you would like to be anonymous, you can submit information online at sbsheriff.org/home/anonymous-tip or by calling (805)681-4171.
Sheriff’s detectives coordinate closely with the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office, Victim-Witness Program to ensure the needs of survivors are not overshadowed by the focus on the investigation and prosecution of the accused.
Victim Advocates are available to ensure that survivors are kept informed and supported throughout the criminal justice process.
Survivors have the option of contacting the Victim-Witness Assistance Program directly at 805-568-2400 or toll free at 855-840-3232.
The Sheriff’s Office would like to remind survivors that they can also find support services through our community partner, Standing Together to End Sexual Assault (STESA).
Services offered by STESA include a confidential 24-Hour hotline, legal and medical advocacy and accompaniment, and counseling. You can reach a STESA advocate at any time by calling (805) 564-3696.