By Agencies
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On Tuesday, December 5, the County of Ventura honored 25 employees during the regular Board of Supervisors meeting for decades of continuous service across county agencies.
The awards are part of the County of Ventura’s Employee Continuous Service Recognition Program which honors staff who have reached career milestones with 25 years or more of service to the county.
“We as a Board take this opportunity to show our appreciation,” said Chair of the Board of Supervisors Matt LaVere. “We have 10,000 employees and I hope we, as a Board, are able to express our utmost appreciation for the work that our employees do every day to serve the residents of Ventura County. With the seniority that is present in the group honored today, it’s amazing to think of the brain power and the work they have done over the years to improve the quality of life in the county.”
The staff members who were recognized and received awards from across County departments represented County Counsel, District Attorney’s Office, Fire Protection District, Health Care Agency, Human Services Agency, Probation Agency, Public Works Agency, Resource Management Agency, Sheriff’s Office, and the Ventura County Library.
The careers of these 25 employees represent a combined total of 680 years of county service.
Each quarter, the Board of Supervisors presents the Employee Recognition Awards in appreciation and celebration of the many years of dedicated service from County employees across 27 agencies and departments.