State regulations for food waste recycling

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Starting January 1, the City of Ventura will be required to comply with California’s Senate Bill (SB) 1383. 

The City Council recently adopted an ordinance in November 2021 to comply with state law. The City also began rolling out food waste recycling programs for all residents, businesses, and multi-family properties to assist with the mandate. 

The SB 1383 aims to reduce methane emissions by diverting organic material from landfills by establishing statewide food waste recycling requirements for cities.

“Food waste includes items like bones, nuts, dairy, bread, fruit, vegetables, meat, and more,” shared Public Works Director Phil Nelson. 

“The City’s Environmental Sustainability team has worked diligently to ensure our community has resources to assist with these new state regulations to recycle food waste and reduce air pollutants like methane gas.”

Residents in single-family homes must bag their food waste and place it in their yard waste cart. 

Once at the sorting facility, the bagged organic waste will be separated and composted into soil products. 

Businesses and multi-family properties can expect to be contacted by E.J. Harrison & Sons to set up yard waste and food waste collection services unless they apply and qualify for an exemption.

Businesses can request exemptions if they generate very little organic waste or if they do not have space for additional containers. 

Exemption waivers must be filed before SB 1383 regulations take effect on January 1, 2022.

The statewide law was enacted in 2016 by Governor Brown to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP’s), which contribute to global warming and negatively affect human health. 

SLCPs remain in the atmosphere for less time than carbon dioxide, but potentially cause more damage due to their potency. 

By collecting and composting organic waste, SB 1383 aims to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by preventing the release of methane into the atmosphere.

The City’s Environmental Sustainability team continues to provide residents and businesses with guidance and support with food and organics recycling resources. 

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