Ventura Transient Sentenced for Sexual Abuse, Rape of Child

By Redaccion
[email protected]

 Johnson was previously convicted by a jury on March 1, 2024, of 13 felony counts, including six counts of forcible lewd acts upon a child, six counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child, and one count of forcible rape. The jury and judge also found true special allegations and enhancements connected to various counts, including allegations that the crimes involved great violence, the victim was particularly vulnerable, and Johnson engaged in substantial sexual conduct with the victim.

Supervising Deputy District Attorney Rafael Orellana, of the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office General Trials Unit, prosecuted the case.

“The defendant’s crimes in this case were unusually violent and brutal,” Mr. Orellana said. “The lengthy prison sentence imposed will help ensure the safety of the victim and community, and appropriately reflects the horrific and sadistic crimes which the defendant perpetrated against the child victim. I am grateful to the jury and judge for their roles in securing justice for the victim.”

Johnson met the victim around 2005 when she was 10 years old. Both were transient and living in Ventura. The sexual abuse started when the victim was 11 years old and continued until she was 15 years old. The abuse stopped when Johnson was arrested for criminal threats made against the victim and her mother.

The victim reported the sexual abuse in 2016 when Johnson sent her threatening letters from prison. At that time, the Ventura Police Department initiated an investigation that resulted in the defendant’s arrest for the charged offenses in 2018.

In addition to his prison sentence, Johnson is required to register as a sex offender.

Jameson Paul Johnson (DOB 11/12/82)
Transient from Ventura

  • PC 269(a)(5) – Aggravated sexual assault of a child
  • PC 288(b)(1) – Forcible lewd act upon a child (6 counts)
  • PC 269(a)(1) – Aggravated sexual assault of a child (2 counts)
  • PC 269(a)(3) – Aggravated sexual assault of a child – sodomy (2 counts)
  • PC 269(a)(4) – Aggravated sexual assault of a child – oral
  • PC 261(a)(2) – Forcible rape
  • PC 801.1(a)(1) – Victim under 18 years of age
  • PC 667.6(d) – Consecutive sentence imposed
  • CRC 4.421(a)(1) – The crime involved great violence
  • CRC 4.421(a)(11) – The defendant took advantage of a position of trust or confidence to commit the offense
  • CRC 4.421(a)(3) – Victim was vulnerable
  • CRC 4.421(b)(1) – Defendant has engaged in violent conduct that indicates a serious danger to society
  • CRC 4.421(b)(2) – The defendant’s prior convictions as an adult or sustained petitions in juvenile delinquency proceedings are numerous or of increasing seriousness
  • CRC 4.421(b)(4) – The defendant was on probation, mandatory supervision, post release community supervision, or parole when the crime was committed
  • CRC 4.421(b)(5) – The defendant’s prior performance on probation, mandatory supervision, post release community supervision, or parole was unsatisfactory
  • PC 1203.066(a)(8) – Substantial sexual conduct