By Agencies
Findings will help identify population health concerns in Santa Barbara County.
Cottage Health and Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, along with several other community organizations, are partnering to improve the well-being of Santa Barbara County residents.
To better understand the needs and strengths of the entire community, and the many diverse groups within it, the collaborative is asking residents to participate in a Community Health Needs Assessment.
The assessment includes a County-wide Community Survey of more than 2,000 households. Community members will be randomly selected to participate and will receive an invitation to take the survey through a letter in the mail, text message, e-mail, or phone call.
Invitations to take the county-wide survey will come through mid-October from experts at the Evaluation Institute at the University of Pittsburgh.
For those selected to participate, the survey can be completed online or by phone.
All community members who do not receive a survey invitation in the mail or by text message, e-mail, or phone call are invited to take the County-wide Community Survey at cottagehealth.org/communitysurvey by Friday, October 14.
Survey participants will receive a $5 gift card in appreciation for their time. All responses will be confidential and will not be connected to names, addresses or phone numbers. No personal financial information will be collected for this needs assessment.
The Community Health Needs Assessment collaborative includes the following partners:
- Community Health Care Centers of the Central Coast
- Cottage Health
- Dignity Health
- Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization
- Lompoc Valley Medical Center
- Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP)
- Planned Parenthood California Central Coast
- Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness
- Santa Barbara County Public Health Department
- Santa Barbara Foundation
- Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
- Tribal Health
- University of California, Santa Barbara
Findings will help community partners recognize the scope of population health concerns. Results will be available by the end of the year at cottagehealth.org.