Governor Appoints Senior Ventura County Deputy DA to Judgeship

By Redaccion

“I am extremely grateful for my time in the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office as a member of the professional staff and then as a Deputy District Attorney,” Ms. Hernandez said. “The time I have spent in this office and the work over the past 12 years, I will carry with me forever.”

Ms. Hernandez earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law and a Master of Law degree from Lamar University. She fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Bruce A. Young.

“Ethel’s journey to the bench is a story of steadfast determination and perseverance combined with sound legal experience,” said District Attorney Erik Nasarenko. “Ethel’s contribution to the judiciary will be positive and lasting. I want to thank the Governor and his staff for appointing Ethel and for selecting a member of the District Attorney’s office to fill the judicial vacancy.”

Ms. Hernandez begins her new role May 13, 2024.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Audry Nafziger, an experienced and long-time prosecutor in the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, will be the new senior prosecutor assigned to VC FOCUS.