El pasado sábado aproximadamente a las 8:50 a.m. los oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Oxnard (OXPD), patrullaban la cuadra 3100 de Mendocino, ubicada en la zona de Diamond Bar, cuando localizaron y detuvieron a Eduardo Montiel de 19 años de edad por violar su libertad condicional.
Los agentes vieron a dos hombres merodeando frente a una residencia recientemente conocida por actividad y violencia de una pandilla.
Cuando los oficiales trataron de hacer contacto con Montiel y otro hombre que le acompañaba, los agentes notaron que Montiel estaba haciendo movimientos furtivos hacia su cintura.
El individuo corrió de los oficiales, pero fue detenido a poca distancia, ahí los agentes localizaron una escopeta de cañón corto que fue tirada a un lado por el sospechoso.
El sospechoso es residente de Oxnard, y está documentado con las autoridades de pertenecer a una pandilla de Oxnard.
Actualmente Montiel estaba en libertad condicional por robo, y tenía prohibido poseer armas de fuego.
Así, el delincuente fue arrestado y acusado de varias violaciones por armas de fuego.
A principios del 2014, el OXPD puso en marcha la operación “Iniciativa más Segura y Estricta”, así como el Equipo de Asalto de Armas de Fuego (FAST), dirigido por la Unidad de Delitos Violentos, para quitar las armas de fuego de manera más rápida de violadores de la ley.
La operación y el Fast tienen como misión reducir la violencia armada en Oxnard través de la educación, la intervención y la ejecución.
Un joven fue arrestado después de una persecución vehicular cuando los agentes del Departamento de Policía de Ventura (VPD) respondieron a un tiroteo que acababa de ocurrir en una casa ubicada en la cuadra 11000 de la calle Azahar en Ventura.
Una descripción del sospechoso fue transmitida a las unidades de patrulla, para que los oficiales rápidamente detectaran al individuo mientras éste iba en una bicicleta.
Después de una rápida persecución a pie el sospechoso fue detenido en la calle Aster.
Una pistola fue recuperada junto al menor quien está también registrado como un miembro de una pandilla de la zona.
La escena del crimen fue cercada, ya que contenía pruebas de un tiroteo.
El menor fue llevado al Centro de Detención de Menores bajo los cargos de intento de asesinato, disparar a una vivienda habitada, posesión de arma de fuego, y posesión de arma de una persona prohibida. La investigación está en curso, se anima a cualquiera con información adicional relacionada a este caso ponerse en contacto con el sargento. Anthony Aguirre al, 805-384-4730 o a Crime Stoppers al, 800-222-TIPS (8477).
El Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés), realizó una operación de cuatro días en el Sur de California que resultó en 244 arrestos, algunos de ellos en los Condados de Santa Bárbara y San Luis Obispo.
La operación se llevó a cabo la semana pasada y concluyó el jueves.
El ICE señala que si bien la gran mayoría de los detenidos eran originarios de México, un total de ciudadanos de 21 países fueron arrestados, entre ellos: Perú, Tailandia, Francia y Ghana.
«Esta operación es un ejemplo de compromiso continuo del ICE para dar prioridad a los criminales convictos que amenazan la seguridad pública y así arrestarlos y expulsarlos (del país)”, dijo David Jennings, director de la oficina de campo de ERO Los Ángeles.
Los siguientes son los seis condados donde las detenciones se llevaron a cabo, y el número de detenciones realizadas:
1. Condado de Los Ángeles: 99
2. Condado de Orange: 55
3. San Bernardino County: 43
4. Condado de Riverside: 24
5. Condado de Santa Bárbara: 20
6. San Luis Obispo County: 3
Así, funcionarios del ICE dijeron que de los 244 detenidos tenía antecedentes penales, y la mayoría tenían condenas por delitos graves o violentos, tales como: delitos sexuales a menores, cargos de armas y narcotráfico o drogas.
Todos los que ahora serán deportados tenían condenas anteriores por delitos menores significativas o múltiples.
«Al tomar estas personas fuera de nuestras calles y dejarlas fuera del país, estamos haciendo que nuestras comunidades sean más seguras para todos”, manifestó Jennings.
De acuerdo con funcionarios del ICE, cuatro de los detenidos durante la acción eran criminales que habían sido deportados anteriormente y que estaban siendo buscados por la Oficina del Fiscal General por el delito grave de reingresar clandestinamente a los Estados Unidos.
«Los que tienen pedidos pendientes de expulsión, o que regresó a los Estados Unidos ilegalmente después de ser deportados, son objeto de expulsión inmediata del país. Los individuos restantes se encuentran en custodia del ICE en espera de una audiencia ante un juez de inmigración, o pendientes de arreglos de viaje para la eliminación en el futuro cercano «, dijo el ICE en un comunicado escrito.
Emanuel Garibay Padilla de Solvang fue arrestado después de tratar de huir de la Patrulla de Carreteras de California (CHP) luego que un oficial lo tratara de parar por violación al código de transito en la carretera 101 en dirección sur en Mariposa Reina en Solvang.
Al ponerse en contacto con el sospechoso, que era el único ocupante del auto, el oficial observó contrabando a la vista dentro del vehículo.
El conductor se bajó del mismo y comenzó a pelear con el oficial, entonces el oficial pidió ayuda.
Un ayudante del Alguacil que estaba de día libre, y conducía un vehículo particular, se encontraba en la zona y respondió a la petición de ayuda.
A su llegada, observó la trifulca entre el sospechoso con su colega por lo que intentó también tomarlo bajo custodia, sin embargo, Garibay fue capaz de regresar a su vehículo huyendo hacia el sur en la carretera 101.
La CHP desplegó con éxito una barricada en la 101, al norte del túnel de Gaviota, por lo que el sospechoso se dirigió en la carretera 1.
Ahí Garibay perdió el control del auto y se detuvo abruptamente 10 pies fuera de la carretera.
Un arrestó de algo riesgo se inició y luego el sospechoso fu llevado a la cárcel del Condado de Santa Bárbara.
Last Saturday at approximately 8:50 p.m., officers from the Oxnard Police Department (OXPD), were patrolling the 3100 block of Mendocino, located in the Diamond Bar neighborhood, when they located and arrested 19 year old Eduardo Montiel for breaking his parole.
The agents saw two men loitering in front of a residence known for recent and violent gang activity.
As the officers attempted to make contact with Mr. Montiel and another man, then the agents noticed Mr. Montiel was making furtive movements toward his waistband.
The subject ran from the officers, but was apprehended a short distance away.
Officers located a short barreled shotgun that was discarded by the suspect.
The suspect is an Oxnard resident, and is a documented to be a gang member in Oxnard., currently on probation for robbery, and prohibited from possessing firearms.
Mr. Montiel was arrested and charged with several firearms violations.
At the beginning of 2014, the Oxnard Police Department launched the Operation Safer and Stronger initiative, as well as the Firearms Strike Team (FAST) led by the Violent Crimes Unit, to proactively remove firearms from prohibited persons in the city.
The mission of the initiative and FAST is to reduce gun violence in Oxnard through education, intervention, and enforcement.
A male juvenile was arrested after a car chased when patrol deputies from the Headquarters Patrol Station responded to a shooting that had just occurred in a house located on 11000 block of Azahar Street in Ventura.
A description of the suspect was broadcasted to the responding patrol units. Deputies quickly spotted a suspect on a bicycle matching the description of the shooting suspect.
After a quick foot pursuit the suspect was taken into custody on Aster Street. A handgun was recovered next to the male juvenile who is also a documented gang member.
The Ventura County Sheriff’s Gang Unit and the Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau also responded to the scene to investigate. The crime scene was processed which contained evidence of a shooting.
The juvenile was lodged into the Juvenile Justice Facility under the charges of attempted Murder, shooting at inhabited dwelling, possession of firearm, ward of the court commit specific offense with firearm and possession of ammunition by prohibited person.
The investigation is ongoing, any individuals with additional information pertaining to this case are encouraged to contact Sgt. Anthony Aguirre at, 805-384-4730 or Crime Stoppers 800-222-TIPS (8477).
A four-day U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operation in the Southland resulted in 244 arrests, some of those in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
The operation took place last week and concluded on Thursday.
ICE notes that while the vast majority of those taken into custody were originally from Mexico, a total of 21 countries were represented including: Peru, Thailand, France, and Ghana. The following are the six counties where the arrests took place, and the number of arrests made in order of largest apprehensions to smallest:
- Los Angeles County:99
- Orange County:55
- San Bernardino County:43
- Riverside County:24
- Santa Barbara County:20
- San Luis Obispo County:3
ICE officials say that all 244 arrested had prior criminal convictions, and most had felony convictions for serious or violent crimes such as: Child sex crimes, weapons charges, and drug violations. Everyone else had past convictions for significant or multiple misdemeanors.
“This operation exemplifies ICE’s ongoing commitment to prioritizing convicted criminals and public safety threats for apprehension and removal,” said David Jennings, field office director for ERO Los Angeles. “By taking these individuals off our streets and removing them from the country, we are making our communities safer for everyone.”
According to ICE officials, four of those taken into custody during last week’s enforcement action were previously removed criminals who are being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for felony re-entry after removal from the United States.
«Those who have outstanding orders of removal, or who returned to the United States illegally after being deported, are subject to immediate removal from the country. The remaining individuals are in ICE custody awaiting a hearing before an immigration judge, or pending travel arrangements for removal in the near future,» said ICE in a written statement.
At least 40 drivers were arrested by local law enforcement agencies through Santa Barbara County for suspicion of DUI during the first six days of the National Summer DUI Enforcement Campaign.
“Each of these arrests were preventable had the drivers chosen not to get behind the wheel after having consumed alcohol and/or drugs,” said Senior Deputy Jeff Farmer of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.
“There are so many different options available, whether it’s a taxi, Uber, Lyft or designating a sober driver.”
Police Officers, Sheriff’s Deputies and California Highway Patrol (CHP) were patrolling the streets and highway of the county as part of the operative.
This year’s number arrests increased from last year’s, when 38 people were taking in custody during the same amount of days last year, and a total of 148 drivers were arrested during the entire 18-day campaign period.
The good news are that there have been no collision fatalities as a result of suspected alcohol and/or drug impairment so far during this time period within Santa Barbara County, stated the SBCSD.
The Summer DUI Mobilization Campaign began on August 21 and continues through September 7, said Kelly Hoover, communication officer from the SBCSD.
The Santa Barbara Avoid DUI Task Force funding is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration who reminds everyone.
Emanuel Garibay-Padilla of Solvang was arrested after a confrontation with a California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer who was conducting an enforcement stop for a vehicle code violation on Highway 101 southbound at Mariposa Reina in Solvang.
Upon contacting the suspect, who was the sole occupant of the car, the CP officer observed contraband in plain sight in the vehicle.
The driver got out of the vehicle and began resisting the officer, then the officer called for assistance.
The subject continued to resist the officer resulting in a physical confrontation.
A Sheriff’s deputy in plain clothes, driving an unmarked vehicle, was in the area and responded to the call for assistance.
Upon his arrival, he observed the suspect fighting with the CHP officer.
The Sheriff’s deputy and the officer attempted to take the suspect into custody while he actively resisted.
The suspect was able to get back into his vehicle and fled southbound on Highway 101.
A pursuit of the suspect was initiated by the CHP and the Sheriff’s Office assisted.
The Santa Barbara County Air Support Unit was called in to assist. The pursuit reached speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.
In the Refugio Beach area, the suspect turned around and continued to flee on northbound 101.
The CHP successfully deployed a spike strip at 101 northbound just north of the Gaviota Tunnel.
The suspect exited at Highway 1. Additional Sheriff’s personnel responding to the call for service were standing by at the Highway 1 off ramp where the suspect exited.
The suspect lost control of the vehicle and stopped abruptly 10 feet off the roadway in the dirt.
A high-risk felony stop was initiated and the suspect was taken into custody. The suspect was treated and released at the hospital for injuries sustained in the initial altercation with the CHP officer.
Mr. Garibay-Padilla was booked at the Santa Barbara County Jail on charges of felony evading, assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer, threats of violence against a peace officer and battery on a peace officer.
The CHP officer sustained minor injuries when the suspect resisted and then was treated at a local hospital for non-life threatening injuries.
The deputy who responded in the unmarked vehicle received also minor injuries from the suspect. He was treated at the scene and released.