City Secures Over $11 Million in Federal Funding for San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path Project

By Redacción

This significant funding will enable the city to move forward with the construction of the San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path Project, a transformative initiative that will create vital connections for the community.

Mayor Paula Perotte expressed her enthusiasm, saying, “We are overjoyed that the City of Goleta was awarded this significant grant, which allows us to carry out the long-awaited vision of connecting northern Goleta neighborhoods to Old Town and the beach. Thank you to the Goleta staff who never gave up on this project, took the initiative to apply for this grant, and to the U.S. Department of Transportation for recognizing the value of this impactful project.”

The $11.16 million federal grant, combined with the $15.29 million previously secured through the Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant, will bridge the funding gap for construction while alleviating the financial burden on local resources. However, the grant requires the city to contribute up to 20% of the overall construction cost. This contribution will come from various sources, including development impact fees and future bond proceeds.

The project aims to construct a separated, dedicated multipurpose underpass through US 101, the Union Pacific railroad tracks, and State Route 217. This infrastructure will remove a long-standing barrier, connecting residents in Old Town Goleta to educational institutions, employment opportunities, housing, services, and recreational amenities in the northern and southern parts of the city.

• A new Class I bicycle path and pedestrian amenities.

• Enhanced safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists along high-traffic arterials and underpasses with inconsistent infrastructure.

• A new connection to the surrounding street network, providing direct access to grocery stores, healthcare services, parks, schools, and recreational opportunities for the first time.

Congressman Salud Carbajal applauded the project, saying, “I’m proud to see the Reconnecting Communities program, created through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, delivering this substantial award to Goleta for the multipurpose path project—part of more than $1 billion this landmark law has invested in our region so far. This award will strengthen Goleta’s sense of community and connectivity while ensuring pedestrian safety on the Central Coast.”

Goleta is one of 25 cities in California to receive funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which allocated a combined $258 million for transportation infrastructure upgrades through various programs, including the RCP grant. The RCP program focuses on improving access to essential resources like jobs, education, healthcare, food, green spaces, and recreational opportunities.

For more details about the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program, visit

To learn more about the San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path Project, click here.