District Attorney Erik Nasarenko & Sheriff Jim Fryhoff to Hold News Conference on Additional Murder Charge Against Rotherie Foster

By Redaccion

The death of Bill Levy, in Los Angeles County, was initially determined to be from natural causes. During the investigation of the murder of Jose Velasquez, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office identified potential financial fraud against Bill Levy by Foster. Further investigation by the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office and the Los Angeles Police Department determined that Levy actually died from intentional fentanyl poisoning.

Prosecutors are also alleging that Foster committed the murder for financial gain and stole the identity of Mr. Levy. Foster worked as a plumber for several companies prior to his arrest for the death of Mr. Velasquez. Investigators believe he used his plumbing trade to identify potential targets for his crimes.

In addition to uncovering the Bill Levy murder, District Attorney investigators and Sheriff’s detectives also identified Foster as the suspect in additional crimes. These crimes include an additional victim of financial fraud from Woodland Hills, in December 2021, and an armed robbery that occurred in Fillmore, in July 2022. District Attorney Nasarenko will explain these crimes in more detail at the news conference.

Foster was arrested on May 20, 2024, by Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes investigators.

The joint news conference with District Attorney Nasarenko and Sheriff Fryhoff will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. inside the District Attorney’s Office. Credentialed media can gather outside the District Attorney’s Office on the third floor of the Ventura County Government Center Hall of Justice building, located at 800 South Victoria Avenue, in Ventura, to be escorted to the media room.