District Attorney Erik Nasarenko to Testify in Support of Assembly Bill 1831 Outlawing AI-Generated Child Sexual Abuse Images

By Redaccion

Other co-sponsors include the California District Attorneys Association, Common Sense Media, SAG-AFTRA, and University of San Diego School of Law Children’s Advocacy Institute.

WHAT: California State Assembly Public Safety Committee Hearing

WHEN: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 | Hearing begins at 9:00 a.m.

WHERE: Legislative Office Building, 1020 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

WHO: Ventura County District Attorney Erik Nasarenko, CA Assemblymember Marc Berman, CSAM survivor and victim advocate Kaylin Hayman, Deputy District Attorney Rikole Kelly, Supervising District Attorney Investigator Terry Dobrosky

WHY: Testifying in support of AB 1831, which would outlaw child sexual abuse images created using artificial intelligence

The hearing is open to the public. California residents are encouraged to provide written testimony in support of AB 1831 before the hearing by visiting https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/. Please note that any written testimony submitted to the committee is considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted.