Por Agencias
The Evacuation Order for the Community of La Conchita was lifted effective Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 6:00PM.
A series of storms impacting Ventura County delivered substantial rainfall, resulting in localized flooding and in multiple areas throughout the county, debris and road closures.
Those storms also reached historic triggers for debris flow and land movement in the area of La Conchita. Upon reaching the historical threshold of 8 inches of rain in 14 days, surficial failures of the hillside occurred and prompted an evacuation of the community.
As rainfall subsided Tuesday afternoon, personnel evaluated the hillside for any signs of imminent failure.
While no imminent signs of significant failure were observed, the hillside remains susceptible to debris flows and landslides. Personnel unanimously agreed to release the evacuation order on 1/10/2023 at 6:00PM.
The decision to lift the evacuation order for the Community of La Conchita should not be construed that the area has been deemed safe and/or free of geological hazards.
Following the devastating events in 1995 and 2005, the Community of La Conchita was declared a geological hazard zone by the County of Ventura.
The geologic hazards present in the community include:
• Landslide and/or debris flows: The large landslide mass located above the community could potentially fail, impacting residences within the community at any time, without warning.
• Mudflows: Mudflows could impact residences and access roads throughout the La Conchita community.
Due to the complex nature of the geologic hazards present at La Conchita, local public safety personnel have no way to predict if or when a failure of the hillside may occur.
Because of this, residents should notwait for local authorities to issue evacuation warnings or orders before leaving the area. Additionally, it is advisable that residents monitor weather forecasts, rainfall rates and present conditions of the hillside to
determine the need to evacuate.
The following historical triggers in the La Conchita area help to serve as indicators of a potential geological
• 15” of rainfall within a 30-day period
• 8” of rainfall within a 14-day period
• ≥ 1” of rainfall in an hour may trigger flooding, landslides or debris flows at any location.
Additional information regarding the ever-present hazards in La Conchita, may be found at https://www.vcemergency.com.