By Redaccion
Brighten Their Day with an Email or Facebook Comment.
The City Clerks Division is considered by many to be the glue that holds a City together, it’s unlike any other job in the United States, which is why we hope you will join us in celebrating our amazing City Clerks team during Professional Municipal Clerks Week which runs from May 5 to 11. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about and show your appreciation for the important work this group does day in and day out to keep our City running smoothly. The Goleta City Council will recognize Municipal City Clerks Week with a proclamation at its May 7th Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. Join us to show/express your appreciation or you can send an email of gratitude to cityclerksgroup@cityofgoleta.org or comment on our Facebook page (facebook.com/cityofgoleta).
Mayor Paula Perotte said, “Goleta’s City Clerks team wears many hats and is essential to ensuring that our City operations run smoothly. I am continually amazed at the professionalism, dedication and flexibility demonstrated by our talented City Clerks team each day.”
Goleta’s City Clerk Division is comprised of 21-year veteran Deborah Lopez, Deputy City Clerks Liana Campos and David Cutaia, and Public Records Specialist Blake Markum.
Mrs. Lopez said, “I am blessed to have such a dedicated team of professionals working with me to carry out the duties of our office. To top that off, it’s in a place as wonderful as Goleta!
Here are just some of the City Clerks Division responsibilities:
- The group serves as a liaison to the general public and within the municipal government.
- The Division is also the Historian of the Records, taking care of the recorded history of the City. This includes maintaining a complete and accurate record of City Council proceedings and official City files as well as overseeing all ordinances, resolutions, proclamations, written contracts, official bonds and public records requests.
- The Division is responsible for overseeing the City’s seven Council-appointed Boards and Commissions, and recently created a new handbook to streamline the process. The Division also oversees 11 Committees.
- The Division serves as the election official for the City of Goleta and oversaw the process for the City’s historic move to District Elections in 2022. The Division will be responsible for the upcoming November election where for the first time, Councilmembers for District 3 and 4 will be elected.
Learn more about the City Clerk Division and all they do at www.cityofgoleta.org/your-city/city-clerk.
Thank you, Goleta City Clerks Team, for all you do!