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In an effort to stop the theft of catalytic converters, the Port Hueneme Police Department will be hosting a catalytic converter etching event in which representatives from the police department will place an owner identified serial number permanently onto your catalytic converter.
This will help deter thieves and will also help identify your property if it is stolen in the future.
This event will take place at Hueneme Beach located at 500 Surfside Drive in parking lot “B”, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
«In order to participate you must first register a time slot. You can do so by calling the Port Hueneme Dispatch Center at 805-985-6530. The appointment will take approximately 25 minutes. Please be prepared to present your ID and registration to your vehicle,» the PHPD stated in a press release.
The authorities also encourage to the public to wear a mask as all COVID-19 guidelines will be followed.
«The event is free, and we highly encourage residents to be an active part of the solution,» said the PHPD.
The following are some tips that you can use to protect your catalytic converter from theft:
- Park your vehicle inside a secured garage, secured yard or parked in a way to prevent access to the undercarriage of your vehicle.
- If parking in a driveway, be sure to have motion lights or continuous lights illuminating your driveway as a deterrent.
- If available, be sure to park in areas that are covered by video cameras.
- A car alarm that has a vehicle motion detector will also be helpful.
- Check with your insurance carrier regarding catalytic converter theft as many insurance companies do cover such a theft under comprehensive coverage plans.
- Research catalytic converter anti-theft devices and weigh the pros and cons of having one installed.
Anyone with information regarding catalytic converter theft is asked to contact the Port Hueneme Police Department.