
La Junta de Supervisores aprueba la entrega de armas de fuego Puesto de analista criminal para la Oficina de Investigaciones del Fiscal de Distrito

Por Redacció[email protected] Hoy, en votación unánime durante la reunión ordinaria, la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Ventura aprobó un nuevo puesto dentro de la Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Ventura, Oficina […]


Board of Supervisors Approves Firearm Relinquishment Crime Analyst Position for DA’s Bureau of Investigation

By [email protected] Today in a unanimous vote during the regular meeting, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors approved a new position within the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, Bureau of Investigation. This position, a Crime […]


Four Republicans will be on stage for the fourth presidential debate. Here’s who’s in and who’s out

By [email protected]               The field of candidates onstage for the fourth Republican presidential debate will be the smallest yet. Four hopefuls will participate in Wednesday night’s debate at the Moody Music Hall at the University of […]