County of Ventura employees recognized for decades of public service

By Redaccion

“The amount of growth that we have experienced as a County could not have been accomplished without the dedication of employees like you,” stated Kelly Long, Chair of the Board of Supervisors. “The average tenure of an individual working in public service is six years. The many years of service represented here are a testament to the commitment of exceptional County employees who have contributed to the positive growth and advancement of our community.”

The personnel who were recognized and received awards from across County departments represented the County Executive Office, Department of Child Support Services, District Attorney’s Office, Fire Protection District, Health Care Agency, Human Services Agency, Information Technology Services Department, Probation Agency, Public Defender’s Office, Public Works Agency, Resource Management Agency, and Sheriff’s Office. The careers of these 27 employees represent a combined total of 765 years of county service.

Each quarter, the Board of Supervisors presents the Employee Recognition Awards in appreciation and celebration of the many years of dedicated service from County employees across 25 agencies and departments.