
Governor Newsom warns Norwalk to end its unlawful ban on new homeless shelters and supportive housing

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) issued the city of Norwalk a Notice of Violation for its ordinance banning the establishment of new homeless shelters and other housing. The notice warns of potential legal action if the city does not reverse its policy. […]


Resumen de la Costa Central / Central Coast roundup

ESPAÑOL Scroll down for the English version* Por/By Redacción-Newsrooom Agentes de la Unidad de Población Vulnerable del Departamento de Policía de Thousand Oaks (TOPD), continuaron sus esfuerzos para ayudar a nuestra comunidad de personas […]


Youth Family Services: cinco años dando otra oportunidad / Youth Family Services: five years of giving another chance

SPANISH Por/By Redacción-Newsroom La semana pasada, el Youth Family Services (YFS), la Housing Authority de de SB, y el Servicio de Bienestar Infantil del Condado celebraron 5 años de brindar a los jóvenes sin […]