Central Coast roundup

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LEAP: Learn. Engage. Advocate. Partner. is a prominent child care agency that has been supporting Goleta families for over 50 years, and runs the county’s only registered diaper bank.

LEAP’s NDNAW campaign was a resounding success, thanks to the dedicated efforts of its community partners and the generosity of local residents. The organization collected donations through diaper drives hosted by key partners across Santa Barbara County, including Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Lompoc, Old Town Coffee, Congregation B’nai B’rith, Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, Moms Demand Action SB, and RG Photography.

«We are overwhelmed by the community’s response,» said Lori Goodman, Executive Director of LEAP. «These donations will make a significant difference in the lives of families experiencing diaper need in Santa Barbara County.»

LEAP’s Diaper Bank was launched in 2021 thanks to one concerned community member. Wendi Ostroff, Director of the California Learning Center, approached Goodman with the idea of establishing a diaper bank, having recognized that none existed in Santa Barbara County despite the clear need.

“During the pandemic, I was volunteering for the foodbank and read something about diaper need. At the time, I hadn’t considered how much diapers can impact a family on a limited budget. I did a bit of reading and discovered the National Diaper Bank Network and searched for where the closest one was to us here in Santa Barbara. It turned out the closest one was in Oxnard. It seemed like a great project to take on, but who, and where could we start a diaper bank,” said Ostroff.

“I reached out to Lori, who I consider a do-er. I explained what I thought would be a good idea of starting a bank here in town, and just to help, I would give some seed money, have the diapers sent to my home, re-bag and label them, and deliver them to what was then IVYP. The diaper bank began to grow, and with Lori at the helm, I was so pleased to see her take this huge task on, and it continues to expand, with now North County LEAP’s center too.”

Since launching its Diaper Bank in 2021, LEAP has distributed over 200,000 diapers and wipes to families throughout Santa Barbara County. This milestone highlights the ongoing challenge of diaper need in the community and the importance of continued support for programs addressing this issue.

This week, Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) announced $1,243,744 in new federal grants to improve public safety, law enforcement response, and support for victims of crimes in Ventura County.

The majority of the funding comes through grant programs created through the landmark Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which Rep. Carbajal helped revive in 2022 after expiring under the previous administration.

“Every Central Coast resident deserves to live in a community where they feel safe, where they have the support of their local government and law enforcement, and where they can get help in the face of a crime. These federal investments help make sure these basic rights are a reality for every Ventura County resident,” said Rep. Carbajal. “And after fighting last Congress to revive the landmark Violence Against Women Act, I’m proud to see another critical investment from its programs coming back to our region to help women and families who are survivors of abuse.”

“These funds are going to help ensure that there is a fulltime prosecutor at the Ventura County Family Justice Center,”said District Attorney Erik Nasarenko. “They will not only advise clients and law enforcement but will also provide direct assistance for domestic violence survivors seeking criminal prosecution.”

Ventura County was awarded $1,000,000 from VAWA’s Grants to Improve the Criminal Justice Response program for their work with the Coalition for Family Harmony and Interface Children and Family Services. The grant program is designed to strengthen partnerships between local governments, courts, and local organizations in order to improve the criminal justice response to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking as serious violations of criminal law, and to seek safety and autonomy for victims.

Ventura County is also receiving $243,744 from the Department of Justice to improve DNA analysis capacity at their Forensic Service Bureau and reduce backlogs of DNA evidence screening.

Sheriff’s detectives arrested 20-year-old Nathaniel McGuire of Santa Maria after he detonated an improvised explosive device at the Santa Maria Courthouse on Wednesday morning, officials said.

The incident occurred at approximately 8:48 a.m. near Department 9 of the courthouse. The SBCSO received reports of an explosion, prompting a rapid response from deputies, Santa Maria Police officers, California Highway Patrol (CHP), fire personnel, and medical teams.

McGuire, the suspected bomber, reportedly entered the courthouse, threw a bag at the security screening station, and fled as the bag exploded in the hallway. 

Four victims were transported to a local hospital for treatment, and one arrived at the hospital independently. 

Three of the five sustained non-life-threatening injuries, including burns. 

All victims were treated and later released.

After the explosion, McGuire fled to the southeast parking lot, where he was detained by a court security officer, a sheriff’s deputy, and CHP officers as he attempted to enter his vehicle, a red sedan. 

He was found wearing body armor under his jacket but was not injured in the blast.

According to detectives, McGuire’s motivation for the attack may have been linked to his recent arrest last July 28, for firearms violations. 

In that case, McGuire was charged with possession of a loaded and concealed revolver that was not registered to him. 

His arraignment for that arrest was scheduled for Wednesday morning in Department 9 of the courthouse.

Detectives are also working with SB County Fire investigators to determine if McGuire is connected to recent arson fires in the area. 

McGuire has been booked into the Northern Branch Jail on multiple felony charges, including attempted murder, manufacturing an explosive device, and using an explosive device with intent to commit murder.

At a press conference earlier today, Undersheriff Bonner said, “We are not absolutely ruling out that there is something larger at play, but at this time we believe this is a local matter that has been safely resolved and there are no outstanding community safety concerns.”

Founded in 1906, The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) represents public finance officials all throughout the United States and Canada who aim to advance excellence in public finance. 

For the fourteenth consecutive year, the Port of Hueneme was selected to receive the GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting—the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.

“It is an honor to receive this recognition from the GFOA for the 14thconsecutive year,” said Austin Yang, Chief Finance & Administration Officer of The Port of Hueneme. “This award reflects our organizations commitment to transparency and excellence in financial reporting. It is a true testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team here at the port.”

With great pride, The Port submitted its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) to the GFOA to be evaluated for the organizations fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. An impartial panel of the GFOA reviewed The Port’s ACFR and scored it against the highest standards of their program. Not only had The Port achieved excellence in their reporting, the organization was elated to find that it had also conveyed a «spirit of full disclosure» in clearly communicating its financial story to motivate readers to take the time and review the report in full.

“Our financial goals are designed to ensure that the Port of Hueneme remains a vital economic engine for our region,” said Celina Zacarias, President of the Board of Harbor Commissioners for The Port of Hueneme. “By enhancing our revenue streams, investing in sustainable infrastructure, and engaging with our community, we aim to create a resilient and prosperous future. These goals reflect our commitment to not only financial excellence but also to the well-being of our stakeholders and community members alike.”

Recognition from the GFOA is strong indication of the Port’s ability to manage its finances responsibly through sound decision-making and resource allocation that benefit the local economy as well as surrounding communities.