By Redaccion
The Camarillo Police Department Community Resources Unit is proud to announce the completion of Citizen’s Academy Class #41.
Attendees completed a twelve-week course that was designed to give citizens an overview of the police department’s functions and operations. Our goal is to educate the public on day-to-day operations of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office and show how we deploy resources throughout the city of Camarillo and Ventura County.
Attendees heard presentations from the Community Resources Unit, Investigations, Major Crimes, Internal Affairs, Human Trafficking Task Force, Tactical Teams, Narcotics Unit, Unmanned Aerial Systems Unit, Command Post Cadre, K9 Unit, Disaster Assistance Response Team, Camarillo Citizen Patrol, and the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services. In addition, attendees took field trips to the Todd Road Jail, the Sheriff’s Communications Center, the Crime Lab, the Ventura County Criminal Justice Training Center, and the Aviation Unit.

Camarillo Police Department’s next Citizen’s Academy is set to start on February 22, 2024. This class will be held every Thursday night from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Camarillo Police Station Community Room, except for field trip sessions.
Applications are available online at www.venturasheriff.org, in our station lobby and on the city of Camarillo website. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, live or work in Camarillo, have no felony convictions, and no misdemeanor convictions within one year of applying. Fill out your application soon as class size is limited.
For more information on the program, or if interested in joining us for Citizen’s Academy Class #42, you may also call Senior Deputy Meeker at 805-388-5130.
Prepared by: Senior Deputy John Meeker
News Release Date: 12/12/2023
Media Follow-Up
Senior Deputy John Meeker
Approved by: Captain Jason Hendren