By Redaccion
[email protected]
Property owners affected by the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles County may qualify for property tax disaster relief programs.
“Our hearts and prayers are with all the residents and communities impacted by these devastating wildfires, and we are deeply grateful to the brave firefighters and first responders who continue to fight the fires,” said State Board of Equalization (BOE) Chairman Ted Gaines.
BOE Member Antonio Vazquez, a resident of Los Angeles County, expressed similar sentiments. “Witnessing the devastation firsthand has been truly heartbreaking. As our communities start the recovery and rebuilding process, I want to emphasize that property tax disaster relief is available for those whose homes or businesses have been damaged or destroyed,” Vazquez said.
Properties located in Governor-declared disaster areas or those that have suffered damage from misfortune or calamity may qualify for tax relief if the estimated loss is at least $10,000 of the property’s current market value. Eligible properties may receive a temporary property tax reduction, and owners who have already paid taxes may receive refunds. Once the property is rebuilt, its pre-damaged value will be reinstated.
To receive disaster relief, property owners must file a claim with their County Assessor’s Office within 12 months of the damage or destruction or by the time specified in local ordinances, whichever is later. Additionally, qualifying property owners may request a deferral of their next property tax installment without penalties or interest.
The BOE, which is constitutionally and statutorily responsible for overseeing California’s property tax system, recently published a guide titled Information Guide for Disaster Relief for Damaged or Destroyed Property. This resource explains the various forms of property tax relief, from the initial damage to the rebuilding process or the purchase of a replacement property. More information, resources, and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found on the BOE’s Disaster Relief webpage.
Impacted property owners in Los Angeles County are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang to start the claims process and review the document Property Relief for Properties Impacted by a Disaster. Additional resources for Californians affected by the Los Angeles fires can be found at CA.gov/LAfires.
About the BOE
The California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is the nation’s only elected tax board, composed of four Equalization District Members and the State Controller. Since 1879, the BOE has overseen the state’s 58 County Assessors, ensuring fair and consistent property tax assessments. The BOE is also responsible for directly assessing regulated railroads, certain public utilities, and private railroad cars, as well as administering the Alcoholic Beverage Tax and the Tax on Insurers.
By promoting equitable tax practices, the BOE helps protect funding for schools, local communities, and the State of California.
BOE Members
• Ted Gaines: First District, Sacramento
• Sally J. Lieber: Second District, San Francisco
• Antonio Vazquez: Third District, Santa Monica
• Mike Schaefer: Fourth District, San Diego
• Malia M. Cohen: State Controller
Yvette M. Stowers, Executive Director