
Resumen de la Costa Central / Central Coast roundup


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La Ciudad de Ventura recibió el Certificado de Logro por Excelencia en Informes Financieros de la Asociación de Oficiales de Finanzas Gubernamentales de los Estados Unidos y Canadá (GFOA) por su Informe Financiero Anual Integral (CAFR) para el año fiscal 2019.

Este año marca el 29º año consecutivo en que la Ciudad recibe este premio.

“La ciudad de Ventura se siente honrada de ser reconocida por este prestigioso premio en el área de informes financieros y contables gubernamentales”, dijo el administrador municipal Alex McIntyre.

Según las autoridades de la ciudad, el CAFR ha sido juzgado por un panel imparcial para cumplir con los altos estándares del programa, lo que incluye demostrar un «espíritu de divulgación total» constructivo para comunicar claramente su historia financiera y motivar a los usuarios potenciales y grupos de usuarios a leer el CAFR.

“Estoy orgulloso de la dedicación y el gran trabajo que ha hecho nuestro equipo de finanzas con el presupuesto. Este premio no es un esfuerzo menor y demuestra el compromiso tanto del Ayuntamiento como de la Ciudad de comunicar claramente nuestra información financiera al público «.

La Asociación de Oficiales de Finanzas del Gobierno es una importante asociación profesional que atiende las necesidades de 19.000 funcionarios gubernamentales a nivel local, estatal y provincial designados y electos y otros profesionales de las finanzas.


Una coalición poco común de aliados en el cuidado de la salud y la educación de todo el Condado de Santa Bárbara está uniendo fuerzas para lanzar “ENMASCARADOS Y PODEROSOS”, una campaña enfocada en salvar vidas, reducir la transmisión de COVID-19, reabrir más negocios y escuelas y mantener el acceso al cuidado de la salud vital.

«Queremos enviar a nuestras comunidades un mensaje positivo y no-político que involucre a todas las partes de nuestro Condado a trabajar juntos para detener a COVID-19 en su camino», indicó la Dra. Peggy Dodds, Oficial de Salud Adjunto del Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Santa Bárbara y pediatra jubilada.

«Adicionalmente a evitar reuniones con personas fuera de su hogar, los residentes deben practicar una buena higiene y observar un distanciamiento social de por lo menos seis pies.”

Dirigido al público de todas las edades y traducida en inglés y español, la campaña ENMASCARADOS Y PODEROSOS utiliza imágenes y personas locales para involucrar a todas las comunidades con mensajes sobre la importancia de los ENMASCARADOS, y los fuertes poderes que el distanciamiento físico, la buena higiene y otras prevenciones pueden tener para evitar la propagación del virus en la comunidad.


Detectives de la Oficina del Alguacil de SB están investigando a un sospechoso que fue arrestado la semana pasada después de que intentó atraer a un menor de 12 años a actos sexuales a cambio de productos de tabaco con sabor.

Los hechos tuvieron lugar el lunes pasado cuando los agentes del alguacil llegaron a la cuadra 1700 de Mission Drive en Solvang gracias a una llamada de una madre que estaba siguiendo a un sospechoso identificado más tarde como Angel Saloman de 20 años de Solvang, y quien estaba acechando a su hijo en una aplicación de teléfono.

Los agentes hablaron con la madre, quien les explicó que había interceptado mensajes en una aplicación de redes sociales del sospechoso a su hijo, y que estaba en el área para atrapar al sospechoso quien planeaba reunirse con el menor, para intercambiar tener sexo a cambio de productos de tabaco con sabor.

Los agentes contactaron a Saloman en el lugar, y fue arrestado por concertar una reunión con un menor con fines lascivos (delito grave), enviar material dañino para seducir a un menor (delito grave), intentar suministrar tabaco a un menor delito menor) y posesión de nudillos metálicos (delito grave).

El sospechoso está detenido con una fianza de $100,000, y el caso ha sido remitido a los detectives del Alguacil para su seguimiento que sigue bajo investigación.

Se recomienda a cualquier persona que tenga información adicional sobre este sospechoso que se comunique con el detective Rivlin al, 805.686.8154 ó por correo electrónico a, [email protected].

El Departamento del Alguacil quiere recordar a los padres sobre el atractivo del tabaco aromatizado de los adolescentes y la importancia de monitorear sus redes sociales.

“El intento depredador de este sospechoso fue frustrado por una madre diligente que interceptó mensajes en Snapchat. Los productos de tabaco con sabor adictivo que están destinados a consumidores infantiles, y que no pueden comprarlos legalmente pueden utilizarse como un producto básico para atraer a los niños a actos peligrosos”, indicó el SBCSO en un comunicado de prensa.

Puede leer más sobre los peligros del consumo de tabaco por parte de los niños en


La Ciudad de Santa María estará llevando a cabo un proceso de varios años para determinar cómo será el futuro de la ciudad actualizando el «Plan General», por lo que hará un seminario público virtual este 11 de noviembre

La Ciudad de Santa María está invitando a la comunidad a ayudar a visualizar el futuro de la Ciudad, en un taller virtual el 11 de noviembre a las 6:30 p.m.

La Ciudad está llevando a cabo un proceso de varios años para determinar cómo será el futuro de Santa María actualizando el «Plan General» de la Ciudad.

“Su participación en este Taller interactivo ayudará a la Ciudad a crear una visión comunitaria compartida que oriente el crecimiento y desarrollo futuros, indicó Mark van de Kamp, Portavoz de la Alcaldía.

El taller del 11 de noviembre se llevará a cabo en inglés, pero también habrá traducción al español, luego se llevará a cabo un segundo taller solo en español que cubrirá el mismo contenido el 3 de diciembre a las 6:30 p.m.

El Plan General es un «anteproyecto» o documento guía que describe las políticas que determinarán cómo se construirá la Ciudad en el futuro (piense en 20 a 30 años).

Éste será aprobado por el Concejo Municipal e implica una gran cantidad de aportes de la comunidad para ayudar al Concejo Municipal a responder muchas preguntas difíciles como: vivienda, desarrollo económico, transporte y espacios abiertos, por nombrar algunos, indicó el Vocero.

“¿Cuáles son sus principales prioridades para el futuro? ¿Qué debería conservarse y mejorarse? ¿Qué cambio le gustaría ver? El taller virtual ayudará a la Ciudad a responder mejor estas preguntas de una manera que refleje los valores y la visión de la comunidad ”, dijo van de Kamp.

Para registrarse en el taller y obtener más información sobre el proyecto, visite

Las preguntas pueden dirigirse al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario.


The City of Ventura has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Fiscal Year 2019.

This year marks the 29th consecutive year that the City has received this award.

“The City of Ventura is honored to be recognized by this prestigious award in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting,» said City Manager Alex McIntyre.

According to City authorities, the CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR.

“I’m proud of the dedication and great job our finance team has done with the budget. This award is no small endeavor and demonstrates the commitment of both the Council and City to clearly communicate our financial information with the public.»

The Government Finance Officers Association is a major professional association servicing the needs of 19,000 appointed and elected local, state, and provincial-level government officials and other finance practitioners.


An uncommon coalition of healthcare and education partners from across the county is joining forces to launch MASKED AND MIGHTY, a campaign to save lives, reduce the transmission of COVID-19, reopen more businesses and schools and maintain access to vital healthcare.

“We want to reach our communities with a positive, non-political message that will engage all parts of our county to work together on stopping COVID-19 in its tracks,” said Dr. Peggy Dodds, Deputy Health Officer, Santa Barbara County Public Health Department and retired pediatrician.

Geared for audiences of all ages and translated into English and Spanish, the MASKED AND MIGHTY campaign uses local imagery and people to engage all communities with messages about the importance of masks, and the mighty powers that physical distancing, good hygiene and other preventions can have to prevent community spread of the virus.

“In addition to avoiding gatherings with people outside of your household, residents should practice good hygiene and observe physical distancing of at least six feet.”

For more information about the campaign please visit the English website at, and Spanish at,


Detectives from the SB Sheriff Office are investigating a suspect who was arrested last week after he attempted to lure a 12-year-old into sexual acts in exchange for flavored tobacco products

The events took place last Monday when Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 1700-block of Mission Drive in Solvang on a report of a parent who was following a suspect identified later as 20-year-old Angel Saloman of Solvang, who was stalking her child on a social media app.

Deputies spoke with the mother who told them she had intercepted messages on a social media app from the suspect to her child, and was in the area to catch the suspect as he was planning to meet up with the child to exchange sexual acts for flavored tobacco products.

Deputies contacted Saloman, in the 1700-block of Mission Drive, where he was arrested for arranging to meet with a minor for lewd purposes (felony), sending harmful matter to seduce a minor (felony), attempting to furnish tobacco to a minor (misdemeanor), and possession of metal knuckles (felony). He is being held on $100,000 bail.

This case has been forwarded to Sheriff’s detectives for follow-up and remains under investigation.

 Anyone with additional information about this suspect is encouraged to contact Detective Rivlin at (805)686-8154 or by email at [email protected]

The Sheriff’s Office wanted to remind parents about the lure of flavored tobacco and the importance of monitoring social media platforms.

“This suspect’s predatory attempt was thwarted by a diligent parent who intercepted messages on Snapchat. Addictive flavored tobacco products that are aimed at child consumers who cannot legally purchase them can be used as a commodity to lure children into dangerous acts,” the SBCSO said in a press release.

You can read more about the dangers of tobacco use by children at


The City of Santa Maria is inviting the community to help envision the City’s future, in a visioning workshop on November 11th at 6:30 p.m.

The City is conducting a multi-year process to determine what the future of Santa Maria will look like by updating the City’s “General Plan.”

“Your participation in this interactive Workshop will help the City create a shared community vision that guides future growth and development, said Kenny Klein, the city Spokesman.

The November 11th workshop will be held in English but also Spanish translation will be available, then a second Spanish-only workshop covering the same content will be held on December 3rd at 6:30 p.m. 

The General Plan is a “blueprint” or guiding document that outlines policies which will determine how the City will be built into the future (think 20 to 30 years).

It will be approved by the City Council and involves a lot of input from the community to help the City Council answer many tough questions such as: housing, economic development, transportation, and open space to name a few, the City said.

“What are your top priorities for the future?  What should be preserved and enhanced?  What change would you like to see? The visioning workshop will help the City better answer these questions in a way that reflect the community’s values and vision,” Klein said.

To register for the workshop and learn more about the project, please visit

Questions may be directed to the Community Development Department.


The City of Santa Maria Public Library is delighted to announce that the Guadalupe Branch Library and Cuyama Branch Library will open for limited Grab and Go service beginning the week of November 2nd.

Safety protocols aligned with County health orders will be in place at each location, including required face coverings, limited duration of visit, limited capacity, and more.  Please check the Library’s website or call for further information regarding safety protocols prior to visiting the Library.

The schedule for Grab and Go service at the Guadalupe Library will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Guadalupe Branch Library is located at 4719 West Main Street, Suite D. 

The schedule for Grab and Go service at the Cuyama Branch Library will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Cuyama Branch Library is located at 4689 Highway 166.

The Santa Maria Public Library’s main library and the Los Alamos branch are open for sidewalk pick-up service. The Orcutt, Guadalupe, and Cuyama Branch Libraries and Bookmobile are open for Grab and Go service. Other in-person services are closed due to the Local Health Emergency declared by the County.

The Library also offers 24/7 digital resources including downloadable eBooks, movies, magazines, and audiobooks. Online databases and programs, email reference service, veterans’ resources, updates about the Library’s operations and more are available online at  Patrons may also apply for a free Library card online


Three students are spearheading projects to increase awareness of systemic racism in health care, the media and the workplace as recipients of new fellowships launched by California Lutheran University in partnership with community organizations.

 Zino Ayetuoma, Landry Irumva and Elysia Williams are the first Community Scholars for Black Lives selected by Cal Lutheran faculty and staff and local chapter members of long-established national and international civil rights, community service and Black Greek-letter organizations.

A challenge from North Central University in Minnesota for colleges to establish George Floyd memorial scholarships led Cal Lutheran to develop the fellowships, which are open to students of any background.

The goal of the Community Scholars for Black Lives program is to broaden awareness, eliminate negative stereotypes and stop marginalization that leads to normalized mistreatment of Black people.

After hearing presentations about local needs from partner organizations, each student proposed a project to address conditions that contribute to the oppression of Black people. Each is receiving a $5,000 fellowship, up to $2,000 in project funding, and travel funds to attend a conference. 

Amgen Foundation provided a two-year grant for the program, while Cal Lutheran faculty and professionals from Amgen and partner organizations will serve as mentors and advisers.

A senior from Woodland Hills, California, majoring and conducting research in biological sciences, Ayetuoma plans to educate people about medical racism and its effect on the Black community by creating a website and scheduling a speaker on the topic.

Formerly a hospital volunteer and member of the Sickle Cell Impact Group at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Ayetuoma plans to become a hematologist oncologist, a specialist in disorders including sickle-cell disease. 

Irumva, a native of Kigali, Rwanda, is organizing a networking forum to connect Black Cal Lutheran students with local Black leaders.

The seminars and workshops will address the challenges Black people face in the workforce and provide tips for success.

A junior political science major who is president of the College Democrats and a senior senator at Cal Lutheran, he volunteers for political campaigns and interned for Sen. Kamala D. Harris in 2019. He plans to earn a law degree.

A junior English major from Temecula, California, Williams is starting a virtual book club that will read novels with positive Black coming-of-age stories. She plans to become a high school English teacher or work for a publishing company.

“When I see someone who looks like me on screen, their character goes through harsh trauma and their story ends in tragedy. I want to show our younger generation that there are positive coming-of-age stories of our people,” Williams said.